Representing authors and writers in print, film and broadcast media

 Literary Agents

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© Futerman Rose & Associates 2024


A quick reminder here of what we’re looking for:

 non-fiction on practically any subject, with particular interest in politics, sport, show business and the music industry (but NOT educational textbooks).

With the arrival of our new Film & TV drama script associate Seb Flatau ( are once again accepting submissions for film and television scripts.

If you’re in doubt, an enquiry by e-mail (to (books)or Seb (scripts) might save you – and us – some time.

If your work is non-fiction, we would be pleased to see the proposal for your book, which should if possible include a chapter breakdown, two or three sample chapters, and any relevant biographical detail such as previous publications and experience/expertise/qualifications related to your subject matter. Please double-space your manuscript and use a standard font such as Times New Roman or Courier New.

For TV or film work, please send a sample episode or section of the script, which should conform to industry standard formatting and layout. Include some details of your writing background and which producers/production companies, if any, have already seen the material you’re sending.

If you are sending us hard copies, please make sure that you have kept a copy of everything you send. Remember to include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you want your work returned. Whilst every care will be taken of your submission, we cannot be held responsible for loss or damage.

If you are sending your work as an e-mail attachment, the following file formats are acceptable: .doc, .docx, .odt, .rtf, .txt and .pdf. For scripts, we can also accept FinalDraft files, .fdx or .fdr.

We do not charge a reading fee. FRA has no affiliation to any self-publishing or vanity publishing companies.
