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Bend Not Break is currently with publishers.  Foreword by Sir Bill Beaumont.

 Stephen Duckworth, a remarkable individual whose life, profoundly altered by a tragic accident on the rugby field, has become a beacon of inspiration within the rugby community and beyond.

In 1981, Stephen's life took an unexpected turn when he suffered a severe neck injury during a rugby training session. This incident, which could have marked the end of a promising path, instead paved the way for a journey of extraordinary achievement and contribution. Stephen's resilience in the face of adversity is a testament to the values we hold dear in rugby – strength, determination, and a relentless spirit. Despite the challenges posed by his injury, Stephen chose to live life to its fullest. He transformed his personal tragedy into a platform for helping others, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to the Rugby family.

As a Trustee of the Rugby Football Union Injured Players Foundation and Chair of the World Rugby Injured Players International Charities Consortium, Stephen has been at the forefront of efforts to support players who have experienced life-changing injuries.

His work extends far beyond providing assistance; it's about fostering a sense of community, solidarity, and hope. Through his leadership and advocacy, Stephen has played a pivotal role in ensuring that injured players continue to feel an integral part of the rugby family, long after their playing days are over.

The accolades and awards that Stephen has received are a reflection of his remarkable contributions. However, it's not just the accolades that define his legacy; it's the countless lives he has touched, the hope he has instilled, and the awareness he has raised about the challenges faced by injured players.

This book is more than just a chronicle of Stephen's life; it is a narrative that resonates with the core values of rugby – teamwork, respect, enjoyment, discipline, and sportsmanship. As you delve into Stephen's story, you will discover how these values are exemplified in the way he has lived his life, both on and off the field.

Stephen Duckworth's story is a powerful reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is a capacity within all of us to rise, to give back, and to make a meaningful impact. His journey is one that inspires us all to face challenges with courage and to live our lives with purpose and passion. Like any of us who face a challenging life Stephen has chosen a path that ‘Bends but does not Break’.

Prof. Stephen Duckworth OBE Dsc FKC PhD LRCP MRCS MSc FDSRCS(Hon)